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The Happening DVD

In The Happening, M. Night Shyamalan serves up over-the-top, apocalyptic strangeness. The film opens onto New York Citys Central Park with a crowd of people enjoying an idyllic summer day. The carefree scene soon takes a terrifying turn, when out of nowhere, hordes of people begin to commit suicide en masse. People scramble to make sense of the pandemonium, and many believe it is a terrorist attack. It appears that some sort of deadly toxin is being released into the air. Cut to Elliot a science teacher in Philadelphia. When he learns of the attack on New York, he meets up with his wife Alma, his friend Julian, and Julians daughter, Jess. They make plans to get out of the city via train, but the train is evacuated in the middle of a small Pennsylvania town. When they learn that the mysterious toxin is spreading its way across the Northeast, they break up into groups, with Elliot, Alma, and Jess running through open farmland in search of safety. They are unsure of where to hide, or what exactly they are hiding from, until Elliot slowly forms a theory about the threat. He fights to keep Alma and Jess free from harm, and the film builds to a bizarre, unsettling climax, with Shyamalans usual surprise ending.

The Happening DVD

Price: $18.79